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Which Iron Cage? Endo- and exoisomorphism in Corporate Venture Capital Programs

Vangelis Souitaris

Stefania Zerbinati

Grace Liu

City University LondonThe Nielsen Company

Through an inductive review of half a dozen business venture funds systems, we unravel how new company products solve contesting forces from two distinct institutional conditions. Your data advise that the company system of units that type in a fresh surroundings depends on whether or not they "focus their isomorphism" internally to the mother or father ("endoisomorphism") or externally for the market ("exoisomorphism"). The main objective of isomorphism is determined by which the products search for validity with in addition, on the professionalization in their top rated managing squads. We explore significance with the conclusions for institutional principle, corporate project cash, and commercial venturing a lot more typically.

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We thank Sue Birley, B. M. Marcello Maestro, Scott Mueller, and Scott Shane regarding their useful guide at diverse phases in this undertaking. We give thanks to Costas Andriopoulos, Rudi Durand, Susan Hill, Ian Macmillan, Konstantinos Pitsakis, Jim Combs (AMJ motion editor), as well as anonymous reviewers for great remarks on drafts.

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