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Which Iron Cage? Endo- and exoisomorphism in Corporate Venture Capital Programs

Vangelis Souitaris

Stefania Zerbinati

Grace Liu

City University LondonThe Nielsen Company

With an inductive research of 6 corporate business investment capital programs, we unravel how new organizational units fix contending energies from two diverse institutional situations. The info propose that the company composition of units that type in a fresh natural environment will depend on whether they "focus their isomorphism" inside when it comes to the dad or mom ("endoisomorphism") or externally to the field ("exoisomorphism"). The attention of isomorphism is dependent upon who the products seek out authenticity with and so on the professionalization of these top supervision teams. We go over effects on the discoveries for institutional way of thinking, business opportunity cash, and company exploring far more normally.

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We say thanks to Sue Birley, B. M. Marcello Maestro, Scott Mueller, and Scott Shane with regard to their precious guide at various phases in this job. We thank Costas Andriopoulos, Rudi Durand, Susan Hill, Ian Macmillan, Konstantinos Pitsakis, Jim Combs (AMJ action editor), and the anonymous testers for great feedback on drafts.

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