Ten Information Regarding Buddhism
BN: Yes, the more I live here, the more I understand the problems unique to the people here. I connect more and I am more sympathetic. And I also learn. During the retreats we have the interview. I come to see that people have a wide variety of problems. Sometimes, I feel like a psychologist. I listen. I realize that people do not come here only to learn about Buddhism, but to address some problem. I notice that many people want to know what's behind their dissatisfaction with so many areas of life, with the government, the economy, family, inner turmoil.
I don't like the word "rebirth." I prefer to use the word "relinking." In the Abidhamma, we learn that what exist are conditions. Mind is a reality. Because mind is within material, it doesn't move from one place to another. Perhaps this is difficult. Matter is something which moves, occupies space. One characteristic of mind is that it does not move. What makes mind arise is the existence of conditions, the laws of conditionality. That's why the term "relinking" is more appropriate to understand that when we die, we are "reborn." It's not that some mind is reborn in another. Another mind arises and it is related to the previous mind according to certain conditions.
Whenever we found ourselves separated from theravada monasteries, day jobs were required to pay the bills; nobody was there to back us up. Only in very spiritual countries, and small growing pockets of awareness here in the States, are meditators looked upon as valuable assets, and supported to one degree or another. Because Janet and I were married, however, Bhante G insisted that we live in town rather than at the Bhavana Society, and we understood this. In Thailand, it's okay to be married, because in Thailand there is more room to support spiritual couples, where each can stay in a separate monastery, or separated in a large monastery.
BN: Yes. And this can be problematic. You know the precepts were taught 2500 years ago and are usually applied individual to individual. But how about society? And government? We need to understand the precepts from a societal and organizational perspective as well. When you are, for example, in an institution, government, corporation, the way you relate to others is so vital. Does the institution relate according to the ethical precepts? Society cannot be harmonious without ethics. Governments cannot simply control others; corporations cannot only maximize profits. So we need to apply the precepts to this context of the larger society.
Notice how your arms swing as you walk along. Feel how you hold your head and neck, is it rigid and tense or fluid and moving? Switch your attention to different body parts as you are walking and you may be surprised at what you find. Do you feel the air brushing onto your skin, the warmth of the sun? Can you feel your heartbeat, or notice blinking?
The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering: The things we most desire are the instances that cause the most suffering. This is because when we are denied these desires, we suffer through frustration. This can be expressed through the common craving to achieve wealth, as well as abundant success.
There are many different religious concepts related to the Buddhist religion, but the main teachings deal with the Four Noble Truths; the Noble Eightfold Path; as well as the Five Precepts. Basic moral guidelines are presented through the Five Precepts, while the Noble Eightfold Path deals with the spiritual growth of a Buddhist. The Four Noble Truths offer insight into the main ideas associated with the Buddha's teachings.
In addition to Tai speaking people, there are Chinese who have blended seamlessly with the Thai. Other cultures include Malays, Mon, Khmer, and even Vietnamese.