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32648850 2020. Public Health in the Information Age: Recognizing the Infosphere as a Social Determinant of Health.
32217507 2020. Assessment of Health Information About COVID-19 Prevention on the Internet: Infodemiological Study.
32325426 2020. Conversations and Medical News Frames on Twitter: Infodemiological Study on COVID-19 in South Korea.
32332066 2020. Going viral: doctors must tackle fake news in the covid-19 pandemic.
32358952 2020. COVID-19 and Fake News in the Dominican Republic.
32369026 2020. The Impact of Social Media on Panic During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iraqi Kurdistan: Online Questionnaire Study.
32375715 2020. Misinformation and the US Ebola communication crisis: analyzing the veracity and content of social media messages related to a fear-inducing infectious disease outbreak.
32382959 2020. Infertility influencers: an analysis of information and influence in the fertility webspace.
32390921 2020. Are Health e-Mavens the New Patient Influencers?
32391603 2020. Medical information and social media in the time of COVID-19.
32393394 2020. The use of internet analytics by a Canadian provincial chiropractic regulator to monitor, evaluate and remediate misleading claims regarding specific health conditions, pregnancy, and COVID-19.
32393876 2020. How fake news about coronavirus became a second pandemic.
32397870 2020. YouTube as a source of medical information on the novel coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
32401210 2020. Mining the Characteristics of COVID-19 Patients in China: Analysis of Social Media Posts.
32409327 2020. YouTube as a source of information on COVID-19: a pandemic of misinformation?
32410129 2020. The Parallel Pandemic: Medical Misinformation and COVID-19 : Primum non nocere.
32421385 2020. Exercise Caution When Sharing Medical Advice About Coronavirus on Social Media.
32421686 2020. Insights into COVID-19: Mining Physicians' Opinions on Social Media.
32426740 2020. Misinformation During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak: How Knowledge Emerges From Noise.
32427106 2020. Tracking Social Media Discourse About the COVID-19 Pandemic: Development of a Public Coronavirus Twitter Data Set.
32428114 2020. Social media: friend or foe in the COVID-19 pandemic?
32430081 2020. Rumors and incorrect reports are more deadly than the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
32432783 2020. Internet+ and COVID-19 - A short report.
32434625 2020. The Double-Edged Sword of Iranian Social Media Against COVID-19.
32447603 2020. YouTube as a source of information on COVID-19 and rheumatic disease link.
32459792 2020. Using Social Media for Rapid Information Dissemination in a Pandemic: #PedsICU and Coronavirus Disease 2019.
32461657 2020. Coronavirus misinformation needs researchers to respond.
32467087 2020. Covid-19: The doctors turned YouTubers.
32471005 2020. Healthcare information on YouTube: Pregnancy and COVID-19.
32474908 2020. Adaptation to SARS-CoV-2 under stress: Role of distorted information.
32412418 2020. Global Sentiments Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic on Twitter: Analysis of Twitter Trends.
32474977 2020. Information and Disinformation: Social Media in the COVID-19 Crisis.
32498140 2020. Impact of Rumors and Misinformation on COVID-19 in Social Media.
32498747 2020. Covid conspiracies: misleading evidence can be more damaging than no evidence at all.
32501417 2020. Cascading disasters, information cascades and continuous time models of domino effects.
32501806 2020. How COVID-19 public interest in the United States fluctuated: A Google Trends Analysis.
32502595 2020. Using Social Media to Disseminate Ophthalmic Information during the #COVID19 Pandemic.
32505627 2020. The use of Whatsapp() as a way to deliver plastic surgery teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.
32511260 2020. Quantify the role of superspreaders -opinion leaders- on COVID-19 information propagation in the Chinese Sina-microblog.
32513072 2020. A Second Pandemic? Perspective on Information Overload in the COVID-19 Era.
32515403 2020. Information Overload and Infodemic in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
32517803 2020. Misinformation about spinal manipulation and boosting immunity: an analysis of Twitter activity during the COVID-19 crisis.
32523681 2020. Misinformation about spinal manipulation and boosting immunity: an analysis of Twitter activity during the COVID-19 crisis.
32530817 2020. Digital Media's Role in COVID-19 Pandemic.
32534600 2020. "Social Media Misinformation"-An Epidemic within the COVID-19 Pandemic.
32537771 2020. YouTube as a source of patient information for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A content-quality and audience engagement analysis.
32540839 2020. Using Social Media and Technology to Communicate in Pediatric HIV Research: Qualitative Study With Young Adults Living With or Exposed to Perinatal HIV.
32540844 2020. Mapping of Health Literacy and Social Panic Via Web Search Data During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Infodemiological Study.

32544200 2020. An automated pipeline for the discovery of conspiracy and conspiracy theory narrative frameworks: Bridgegate, Pizzagate and storytelling on the web.

32550706 2020. Social media influence in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
32552021 2020. From "Infodemics" to Health Promotion: A Novel Framework for the Role of Social Media in Public Health.

32554782 2020. Creating misinformation: how a headline in The BMJ about covid-19 spread virally.

32572842 2020. The Impact of the COVID-19 "Infodemic" on Drug-Utilization Behaviors: Implications for Pharmacovigilance.
32584779 2020. Impact of mass and social media on psychobehavioural responses to COVID-19: A survey of medical university students in Fujian, China during the downward trend of COVID-19.
32591118 2020. Avoiding Disinformation Traps in COVID-19: July 2020 Annals of Emergency Medicine Journal Club.
32601723 2020. Living with COVID-19-triggered pseudoscience and conspiracies.
32603686 2020. Social Media can have an impact on how we manage and investigate the COVID-19 pandemic.
32603787 2020. Social Media: A Pandemic of Misinformation.
32610523 2020. Characteristics of YouTube Videos in Spanish on How to Prevent COVID-19.
32646815 2020. Assessment of YouTube as an Educational Tool in Teaching Key Indicator Cases in Otolaryngology During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Neck Dissection.
32657000 2020. An exploration of how fake news is taking over social media and putting public health at risk.
32657090 2020. Information and Misinformation on COVID-19: a Cross-Sectional Survey Study.
32683705 2020. Alcohol advertisers may be using social media to encourage parents to drink during COVID-19.
32684197 2020. Agreeing to disagree: reports of the popularity of Covid-19 conspiracy theories are greatly exaggerated.
32685293 2020. YouTube as a Source of Medical and Epidemiological Information During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study of Content Across Six Languages Around the Globe.
32685878 2020. Staying updated on COVID-19: Social media to amplify science in thrombosis and hemostasis.
32687807 2020. The COVID-19 infodemic.
32693023 2020. Alcohol Intake in Attempt to Fight COVID-19: A Medical Myth in Iran.
32708231 2020. Social Networks' Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain: Health Media vs. Healthcare Professionals.
32712642 2020. The Role of Social Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
32713092 2020. How infodemic during the COVID-19 outbreak influenced common clinical practice in an Outpatient Service of severe psoriasis.
32715673 2020. Letter to the Editor: Social Media Is a Double-Edged Sword in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
32719731 2020. COVID-19 therapeutics: how to sow confusion and break public trust during international public health emergencies.
32725084 2020. COVID-19, as fake news e o sono da razao comunicativa gerando monstros: a narrativa dos riscos e os riscos das narrativas.
32726144 2020. How Parents and Their Children Used Social Media and Technology at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associations with Anxiety.
32730221 2020. Evaluation of Korean-Language COVID-19-Related Medical Information on YouTube: Cross-Sectional Infodemiology Study.
32731359 2020. Analyzing Spanish News Frames on Twitter during COVID-19-A Network Study of El Pais and El Mundo.
32741134 2020. The "Infodemic" of COVID-19.
32742059 2020. Telegram as a Tool to Supplement Online Medical Education During COVID-19 Crisis.
32748790 2020. Global Infodemiology of COVID-19: Analysis of Google Web Searches and Instagram Hashtags.
32750001 2020. Social Network Analysis of COVID-19 Sentiments: Application of Artificial Intelligence.
32750005 2020. Digital Inequality During a Pandemic: Quantitative Study of Differences in COVID-19-Related Internet Uses and Outcomes Among the General Population.
32750006 2020. Big Data, Natural Language Processing, and Deep Learning to Detect and Characterize Illicit COVID-19 Product Sales: Infoveillance Study on Twitter and Instagram.
32754628 2020. Datasets on how misinformation promotes immune perception of COVID-19 pandemic in Africa.
32481773 2020. COVID-19: Misinformation Can Kill.
32754859 2020. Why not use "Twitter" of core clinical journals for rapid dissemination of medical information during the COVID-19 pandemic?
32757541 2020. For the future and possible ensuing waves of COVID-19: A perspective to consider when disseminating data.
32757953 2020. Digital Disinformation About COVID-19 and the Third-Person Effect: Examining the Channel Differences and Negative Emotional Outcomes.
32776899 2020. COVID-19 on TikTok: harnessing an emerging social media platform to convey important public health messages.
32780635 2020. Medical populism and the COVID-19 pandemic.
32781727 2020. Big Data Analysis of Media Reports Related to COVID-19.
32783794 2020. COVID-19-Related Infodemic and Its Impact on Public Health: A Global Social Media Analysis.
32784200 2020. Covid-19 misinformation sparks threats and violence against doctors in Latin America.
32788143 2020. Excessive Media Consumption About COVID-19 is Associated With Increased State Anxiety: Outcomes of a Large Online Survey in Russia.
32802003 2020. Quality of Novel Coronavirus Related Health Information over the Internet: An Evaluation Study.
32806772 2020. Fake News and Covid-19 in Italy: Results of a Quantitative Observational Study.
32809028 2020. Comparison of Readability of Official Public Health Information About COVID-19 on Websites of International Agencies and the Governments of 15 Countries.
32834288 2021. Content matters. Different predictors and social consequences of general and government-related conspiracy theories on COVID-19.
32838179 2020. The "Pandemic" of Disinformation in COVID-19.
32840263 2020. Is fake news contributing to increased Covid-19 BAME deaths?
32850213 2020. Upholding Scientific Duty Amidst Poisonous Disinformation.
32852927 2020. Social Media in the Times of COVID-19.
32855353 2020. Exposure to health misinformation about COVID-19 and increased tobacco and alcohol use: a population-based survey in Hong Kong.
32864981 2020. Preference and Trust: An Investigation of Information Source of COVID-19 Among People Over 50 Years.

32868972 2020. Three contextual dimensions of information on social media: lessons learned from the COVID-19 infodemic.

32873499 2020. TikTok and Its Role in Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information Propagation.
32878092 2020. Information on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Daily Newspapers' Front Pages: Case Study of Spain and Italy.
32882029 2020. A Thematic Analysis of Weibo Topics (Chinese Twitter Hashtags) regarding Older Adults During the COVID-19 Outbreak.
32901533 2020. Geospatial correlation between COVID-19 health misinformation and poisoning with household cleaners in the Greater Boston Area.
32901759 2020. Infodemia: excesso de quantidade em detrimento da qualidade das informacoes sobre a COVID-19.
32902813 2020. Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Online Versions of Highly Circulated U.S. Daily Newspapers.
32904993 2020. How Partisanship Affected Public Reaction to Potential Treatments for COVID-19.
32907685 2020. Social Network Analysis of COVID-19 Public Discourse on Twitter: Implications for Risk Communication.
32910819 2020. COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs, health behaviors, and policy support.
32911779 2020. The Role of Illness Perceptions, Coping, and Self-Efficacy on Adherence to Precautionary Measures for COVID-19.
32911826 2020. Factors Influencing Rumour Re-Spreading in a Public Health Crisis by the Middle-Aged and Elderly Populations.
32912996 2020. COVID-19 prevention and treatment information on the internet: a systematic analysis and quality assessment.
32914831 2020. Predicting Social Distancing Intention and Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrated Social Cognition Model.
32926171 2020. Public Intent to Comply with COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations.
32926172 2020. African American Adherence to COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations.
32926173 2020. Disparities in Adherence to COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations.
32926250 2020. Closed Facebook groups and COVID-19: an evaluation of utilization prior to and during the pandemic.
32927311 2020. The role of psychiatrists in addressing COVID-19 conspiracy theories.
32927793 2020. Impact of Social Support and Social Trust on Public Viral Risk Response: A COVID-19 Survey Study.
32930670 2020. Association Between Public Knowledge About COVID-19, Trust in Information Sources, and Adherence to Social Distancing: Cross-Sectional Survey.
32936771 2020. COVID-19 and the "Film Your Hospital" Conspiracy Theory: Social Network Analysis of Twitter Data.
32936775 2020. Trends and Predictors of COVID-19 Information Sources and Their Relationship With Knowledge and Beliefs Related to the Pandemic: Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study.
32943953 2020. An Extensive Search Trends-Based Analysis of Public Attention on Social Media in the Early Outbreak of COVID-19 in China.

32946412 2020. Topics, Delivery Modes, and Social-Epistemological Dimensions of Web-Based Information for Patients Undergoing Renal Transplant and Living Donors During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Content Analysis.

32953977 2020. Characterizing communities of hashtag usage on twitter during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic by multi-view clustering.
32960775 2020. Collective Response to Media Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Reddit and Wikipedia: Mixed-Methods Analysis.
32961275 2020. Anti-science extremism in America: escalating and globalizing.
32962172 2020. Public Voice via Social Media: Role in Cooperative Governance during Public Health Emergency.
32962712 2020. Coronavirus misinformation and the political scenario: the science cannot be 'another' barrier.
32967786 2020. Conspiracy theories as barriers to controlling the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S.
32984890 2020. User reactions to COVID-19 screening chatbots from reputable providers.
32986469 2020. Whose Tweets on COVID-19 Gain the Most Attention: Celebrities, Political, or Scientific Authorities?
32994354 2020. Social media in the era of COVID-19.
32995894 2020. #Covid4Rheum: an analytical twitter study in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
33001378 2020. Unicorn Poo and Blessed Waters: COVID-19 Quackery and FDA Warning Letters.
33006608 2020. The significance of COVID-19-associated myocardial injury: how overinterpretation of scientific findings can fuel media sensationalism and spread misinformation.
33006937 2020. Topics, Trends, and Sentiments of Tweets About the COVID-19 Pandemic: Temporal Infoveillance Study.
33013254 2020. Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 tweets by Deep Learning Classifiers-A study to show how popularity is affecting accuracy in social media.
33020741 2020. Twitter and the pursuit of global health-care during COVID-19 pandemic.
33021985 2020. Addressing immediate public coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns through social media: Utilizing Reddit's AMA as a framework for Public Engagement with Science.
32836649 2020. Who do you trust? The digital destruction of shared situational awareness and the COVID-19 infodemic.
32417871 2020. Information Disorder Syndrome and Its Management.
32805227 2020. Misinformation Dissemination in Twitter in the COVID-19 Era.
32942170 2020. The tsunami of misinformation on COVID-19 challenged the health information literacy of the general public and the readability of educational material: a commentary.
33001730 2020. Concrete Recommendations for Cutting Through Misinformation During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
33001735 2020. Using a Global Pandemic as a Teachable Moment to Promote Vaccine Literacy and Build Resilience to Misinformation.
33013069 2020. "Infodemic" COVID 19: More Pandemic than the Virus.
33024152 2020. The COVID-19 social media infodemic.
33027357 2020. Fato ou Fake? Uma analise da desinformacao frente a pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil.
33031704 2020. Clinical update on managing media exposure and misinformation during COVID-19: recommendations for governments and healthcare professionals.
33031753 2020. COVID-19: the deadly threat of misinformation.
33031763 2020. Why misinterpretation of electron micrographs in SARS-CoV-2-infected tissue goes viral.
33042290 2020. We Are All Victims: Questionable Content and Collective Victimisation in the Digital Age.
33042491 2020. 'Infodemic' During COVID-19 Pandemic: Troubleshooting the Trouble in Troubled Time Through Primary Care Activism.
33048825 2020. Associations Between COVID-19 Misinformation Exposure and Belief With COVID-19 Knowledge and Preventive Behaviors: Cross-Sectional Online Study.
33050772 2020. The social life of COVID-19: Early insights from social media monitoring data collected in Poland.
33052871 2020. COVID-19 and the Gendered Use of Emojis on Twitter: Infodemiology Study.
33052967 2020. Countering misinformation via WhatsApp: Preliminary evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in Zimbabwe.

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