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Bank of Israel Annual Report 2008 (Jerusalem: Bank of Israel, 2009), 65.

 2. The ICT and high technological making areas overlap. Advanced producing consists of ICT business, computer and manufacturing tools, airplane and pharmaceuticals. ICT production is comprised of electronic digital pieces, automated communication devices, and commercial devices for supervision and management additionally controlled and health care apparatus. The service element of ICT is made up of telecom, additionally computer system-linked and R&D expert services (such as the rising segments of biotech and cleantech). These days, ICT products and services have become even more swiftly than ICT producing.

 3. Dan Ben David, "A Macro-Economic View of Israeli Economy and Society," Policy Paper 2010.01 (2010), Taub Center for Social Policy Research.

 4. Small and Ernst, Innovation: The Growing Significance of Venture Capital, Global Venture Capital Insights and Trends Report 2008, 11. The best 5 areas were actually California's Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Boston, the newest York metro area and the UK.

 5. pharmaceuticals, Biotech, cleantech and nanotech obtain 30%, and regular market (e.g. ceramics, plastic materials, metallic and silicone) obtains 10%.

 6. The Globe Bank has highly regarded the OCS due to the "track report of excellence" see Itzhak other individuals and Goldberg, "Public Financial Support for Commercial Innovation," Core and Europe Asia Knowledge Economy Study Part The eu, I and Central Asia Chief Economist (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2006). In 2004, Israel was positioned 7th for governing administration R&D subsidies because of the World Economic Forum's Networked Readiness Index (more modern numbers are not available, as a result of improvement in the NRI's strategy).

 7. These questions are already attended to in previous assessments of your OCS. See Morris Teubal, "An R&D Strategy for Israel" [in Hebrew], Economic Quarterly 46, no. 2 (1999): 359-83 Manuel Trajtenberg, "RAndD Policy in Israel: An Overview and Reassessment," National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 7930 (2000) Manuel Trajtenberg, "Government Support for Commercial RAndD: Lessons from the Israeli Experience," in Innovation Policy plus the Economy, Vol. 2, ed. Adam B. Jaffe, Josh Lerner and Scott Stern (Chicago: National Bureau of Economic Institution and Investigation of Chicago Press, 2002).

 8. Previous reviews of your OCS had been published before this query started to be existing.

 9. OCS programmes for regular field are excluded because they are beyond the extent of the paper.

10. Reforms in the sectors of govt, education and Singapore VC List systems bureaucracy are past the scope of this cardstock.

11. Under Yozma (identified 1992), the federal government produced 10 VC money with well over $20 mil capitalization. These capital have been privatized in 1997, a couple of years well before plan. See Gil Avnimelech and Morris Teubal, "The Emergence of Israel's Venture Capital Industry: How Policy May Influence High-Tech Cluster Dynamics," in Cluster Genesis: Technology-Based Industrial Development, ed. Pontus Braunerhjelm and Maryann P. Feldman (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006).

12. Computed from 2000-09 facts (resource: Israel Venture Capital Research Centre).

13. Dafna Raphael and Schwartz Bar-El, "Venture Investments in Israel: A Regional Perspective," European Planning Studies 15, no. 5 (2007): 623-44.

14. In February 2010, NASDAQ experienced 65 Israeli corporations listed. During 2002-07, London's AIM trade was really a preferred site for Israeli IPOs, nevertheless the universal financial disaster drove lots of Israeli organizations out. In November 2009, 30 Israeli firms had been listed, decrease from 50 for the optimum.

15. This area will depend on Josh Lerner and Bronwyn Hall, "The Financing of R&D and Innovation," National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Working Paper 15325 (2009) Trajtenberg, "Government Support."

16. For empirical affirmation for this theory using US details, see James R. Brown, Steven M. Fazzari and Bruce C. Petersen, "Financing Innovation and Growth: Income, External Equity, as well as 1990s R&D Boom," Journal of Finance 64, no. 1 (2009): 151-85.

17. For your entire textual content in English, see http: Singapore VC List //

18. Organization for Economic Improvement and Cooperation, OECD Economic Surveys: Israel, 2009. Volume 2009/21-January 2010, Supplement No. 3 (Paris, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2009), 138-43.

19. This area gets about the routine in the Office of the Chief Scientist Conference (March 2010) additionally, on your office with the Chief Scientist Review of Activities 2008, 2009 (Jerusalem: Singapore VC List Ministry of Market, Labour and Industry, Office of the Chief Scientist, 2009 and singapore vc list 2010). An entire listing of OCS programmes can be located at http: // 23EB4C106867//tocnit2010.pdf file (Hebrew) as well as at http: // (English, a bit less up-to-date).

20. For information, see http: //

21. Saul Lach, "Do RAndD Subsidies Stimulate or Displace Private RAndD? Evidence from Israel," Journal of Industrial Economics 50, no. 4 (2002): 369-90. For the more modern approximate of additionality (without having any difference among small and large firms), see Saul Lach, Shlomi Prizet and Daniel Wassertal, "The Effect of Government Support to Industrial R&D on the Israeli Economy", AGP Applied Economics (2008), http: //

22. See also Oded Bizan, "The Determinants of Success of R&D Projects: Evidence from American-Israeli Research Alliances," Research Policy 32, no. 9 (2003): 1619-40.

23. OCS Breakdown of Activities 2008.

24. Trajtenberg "R&D Policy."

25. To meet the requirements, an enterprise needs to have product sales of $100 zillion and RAndD costs of $20 thousand or 200 people in R&D. The company must also be free from financial obligations towards the condition.

26. The set up was announced in reaction towards the pursuing challenge: Large businesses, obtaining with success commercialized OCS-funded investigation, were definitely compelled to shell out an increasing stream of royalties. They might often receive new OCS use and grants the crooks to cover their royalty obligations, though failing to carry out any new RAndD (see OCS Breakdown of Activities 2008).

27. Trajtenberg, "R&D Policy" Trajtenberg, "Government Support."

28. Trajtenberg, "RAndD Policy" Trajtenberg, "Government Support."

29. Jonathan Gillis, "Israel's R&D Law: the Impact of Change," Globes, September 4, 2006.

30. Gil Avnimelech, Dafna Schwartz and Raphael Bar-El, "Entrepreneurial High-technician Cluster Development: Israel's Knowledge of Venture Capital and Technological Incubators," European Planning Studies 15, no. 9 (2007): 1181-98 Amnon Frenkel, Daniel Shefer and Stephen Roper, "Public Policy, Locational Choice as well as the Innovation Ability to High-Tech Firms: An Assessment in between Israel and Ireland," Papers in Regional Science 82, no. 2 (2003): 203-21.

31. Ohad Bar Efrat, Creation and "Research in Israel: Successes and Challenges," Working Paper, Bank of Israel (2006).

32. Minister of Science Daniel Hershkowitz see http: // If you loved this information and you would certainly such as to get additional facts regarding Singapore VC List kindly browse through our internet site. il/wp/academy-lobby-achieving-0601102/.

33. Lach et al., "The Effect of Government Support."

34. Israeli institutional investors simply have .2Per cent with their possessions in VC, vs ., in accordance with MOF Director Standard Haim Shani. 2% in the united states (http: // p = 34545).

35. Manuel Trajtenberg, "Innovation Policy for Development: a guide," Working Paper, Department of Economics, Tel Aviv University (2005). Former CS Orna Berry clearly shows that by counting on unfamiliar financing, the top technician industry will be able to keep away from Israel's well known regulatory bureaucracy. See Orna Berry, "The Israeli Hi-Tech Sector as well as the Global Economic Situation" [in Hebrew], lecture at College of Management, May 4, 2009. A video from the lecture is archived at http: //www2.colman.air business/video clips/hitech/epizode07.web-page coding. The associated slides (in English) can be located at http: // file).

36. The Raanana Conference for National Advanced Policy, "Summary in the Second Raanana Conference and Summary of Activities, 2007-2008" (2009), 27. Some scholars characteristic the dearth of significant advanced businesses to non-monetary elements, for instance Israeli management customs or marketing. See Catherine C. de Erran and Fontenay Carmel, "Israel's ‘Silicon Wadi’: The Causes of its Comparative Advantage inside the IT Industry," in Building High-Tech Clusters, ed. Timothy Bresnahan and Alfonso Gambardella (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004) Morris Teubal, Gil Alon and Avnimelech Business, "Globalization and Gayego Dynamics during the Israeli Software Industry: A Case Study of web data Security," Working Paper, Hebrew University (2000). For additional on promotion, see Schaul Chorev and Alistair Anderson, "Marketing in High-Tech Start-Ups: Overcoming the Liability of Newness in Israel," International Entrepreneurial Management Journal 2, no. 2 (2006): 281-97.

37. Arnon Bentur yet others, "The Future of the Israeli Growth Engine," Position Paper, 17th Caesarea Conference, Israel Democracy Institute (2009).

38. Avi Messica and Tamir Agmon, "Venture Capital, everyone Sector, as well as High Technology Industry," International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 5, no. 1 (2008): 105-22. Both CS Eli Opper and previous CS Joshua (Shuki) Gleitman suggest a countercyclical OCS spending plan (personalized job interview with Eli Opper, February 12, Raanana and 2004 Conference, "Summary of your Second Raanana Conference"). However, Singapore VC List a counterargument could be recommended depending on analysis by Andrew Schein, who locates that this NASDAQ crawl experienced no effect on GDP over 1994-2001. This implies that OCS financial constraints ought to be invariant with respect to the NASDAQ directory. We deny the counterargument, simply because we know that Schein's empirical effects would be adjusted drastically through more recent info, and also by the inclusion of numerous lags in the NASDAQ index as explanatory parameters (to consider the lagged results of VC investment opportunities on exports). See Andrew Schein, "NASDAQ or Nablus: Explanations for that Recent Fluctuations during the Israeli Economy," Israel Affairs 9, no. 4 (2003): 64-78.

39. Ben-Zion Zilberfarb, "From Boom to Bust: The Israeli Economy 1990-2003," Israel Affairs 12, Singapore VC List no. 2 (2006), 221-33.

40. The exclusion with this development was the incubators spending plan, which achieved a record full off 2005.

41. Erez Cohen, The Israeli Advanced Industry: No Thought for the Future [in Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Carmel Publishers, 2009), 143.

42. Over 2001-03, OCS allows amounted to 26Per cent of recommended study pockets, straight down from 31% in 2000. In 2003-04, OCS representatives mentioned a substantial improvement in the caliber of apps (versus. the pre-turmoil timeframe), because of personal-selection by agencies, which wished to protect yourself from projects by using a substantial chance of failure.

43. "Chief Scientist Opper Faces Growing Challenges," Israel Venture Capital Journal 3, no. 3 (2003), 28.

44. Cohen, The Israeli Modern Day Industry, 147.

45. Cohen, The Israeli Advanced Industry, 147, 126-7.

46. In this manner, he warded off the governmental stress that happen to be related to establishing new funds priorities.

47. Manuel Trajtenberg, "Innovation in Israel 1968-1997: A Comparative Analysis Using Patent Data," Research Policy 30, no. 3 (2001): 363-89. The 1-3 calendar year lag is not really unexpected, seeing that the US patent apps operation had taken an average of 26.2 months during 2000-05 (US Patent and Trademark Office site, http: //http: //

48. The strong need to pay the increased of the following two volumes: a) 120% in the recent market price of X reveals, the place X = the volume of offers that this original OCS offer can have purchased. b) 150% from the cumulative amount of grants or loans in addition interest and indexation.

49. This could be inferred from the MOF's proposal (in "Comparative Advantage") to increase liberalize technology exchange.

50. PriceWaterhouse Coopers and National Venture Capital Association, Moneytree Report Q4 2009/Full-calendar year 2009 (2010).

51. IVC Online ( In 2009, financial investment in application and communications And marketing dropped to the least expensive levels in a years. There were a tremendous transition when it comes to life sciences.

52. Berry, "The Israeli Hi-Tech Sector." The maturation course of action actually started off in 2004 see Gil Avnimelech and Dafna Schwartz, "Structural Alterations in Mature Venture Capital Industry: Evidence from Israel," Innovation: Singapore VC List Management, Policy and employ 11, no. 1 (2009): 60-73.

53. Intel Israel documented export increase of 145Percent during 2009, to a document $3.4 billion, which taken into account 10% of Israel's industrial exports.

54. David Rosenberg, "The Israeli Economy: After the Financial Disaster, New Challenges," Middle East Overview of International Affairs 14, no. 1 (2010), 68-79.

55. Guy Grimland, "The Dollar Crisis: The Main Scientist Stops Investments in Technology Companies," The Marker, July 21, 2008.

56. Assaf Gilad, "Exclusive: The Treasury Grant into the OCS Will Grow by NIS 100 Million," Calcalist, December 1, 2008.

57. OCS Breakdown of Activities 2009.

58. Ora Coren, "Four New Biotech Funds Will Infuse $1.6 billion dollars within the Market," The Marker, March 25, Singapore VC List 2010.

59. Ministry of Marketplace, Business and Work Press Release, July 4, 2010, http: //

60. Ministry of Finance, The Economic Insurance policy for recent years 2011-2012 [in Hebrew] (Jerusalem: July 2010). We omit the proposals that handle scientific integration and education and learning of underrepresented minorities.

61. Deloitte Brightman Almagor Singapore VC List Zohar, "Israel VC Indicator Survey - Expectations since Quarter 2, 2010: Can Israel Decouple? " (July 2010).

62. Deloitte Brightman Almagor Zohar, "Israel VC Indicator Survey - Expectations since Quarter 2, 2010: Can Israel Decouple? " (July 2010)

63. Touche and DeloitteTouche and National Venture Capital Association, "Results in the 2010 Global Venture Capital Survey," July 13, 2010.

64. Paul Kedrosky, "Right-sizing the US enterprise funds field," Venture Capital 11, no. 4 (2009): 287-93. Kedrosky's see is distributed with the respondents of Touche and Deloitte, "2010 Global Venture Capital Survey."

65. See Asaf Gilad, "Dov Moran is Angry: The Institutional Investors Refused to get Modu," Calcalist, January 14, 2010.

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