32335290 2020. A strategy targeting monocyte-macrophage differentiation to avoid pulmonary complications in SARS-Cov2 infection
32374474 2020. Natural antiviral compound silvestrol modulates human monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells
Devvac BCG
32379923 2020. Is BCG vaccination causally related to reduced COVID-19 mortality?
32327396 ä. COVID-19 and Bacillus Calmette-Guerin: What is the Link?
32358227 2020. Demystifying BCG Vaccine and COVID-19 Relationship
Devvac Hepatitis A
32279655 2020. Can Hepatitis A Vaccine Provide Protection Against COVID-19?
Devvac Measles
32238614 2020. Measles Immunization: Worth Considering Containment Strategy for SARS-CoV-2 Global Outbreak
Devvac Influenza
32361099 2020. The possible beneficial adjuvant effect of influenza vaccine to minimize the severity of COVID-19
32358579 ä. Will helminth co-infection modulate COVID-19 severity in endemic regions?
anybody remembers old lit on mcns: acacia akazien-extrakt
32300868 ä. Balneotherapy and human immune function in the era of COVID-19