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Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche collects the really good Ideas and the scientific Record on Covid-19 Virus.

32399342 2020. A Case of a COVID-19-positive Patient.

DISCLAIMER the current scientific record is full of falsified and invented data and subject to political abuse. I cannot keep up with the daily retractions, so do not apply any thesis or hypothesis shown here as a valid option for application to human beings.

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  • ("mg2+" OR "mg(2+)" OR magnesium OR hypomagnesi* OR hypermagnesi* OR mgcl2 OR trpm7 OR ltrpc7 OR trp-plik OR trpm6 OR transient receptor potential m7 OR transient receptor potential m6 OR chanzyme OR arl15 OR magt1 OR cnnm1 OR cnnm2 OR acdp1 OR acdp2 OR cnnm3 OR cnnm4 OR cyclin-m1 OR cyclin-m2 OR cyclin-m3 OR cyclin-m4 OR "cyclin m1" OR "cyclin m2" OR "cyclin m3" OR "cyclin m4" OR slc41a1 OR slc41a2 OR slc41a3 OR mgte OR solute carrier protein 41 OR nipa1 OR spg6 OR nipa2 OR huntingtin1 OR hip14 OR hip14l OR prl-1 OR prl-2 OR prl-3 OR ptp4a1 OR ptp4a2 OR ptp4a3 OR micu-1 OR micu-2 OR "micu 1" OR "micu 2" OR paracellin-1 OR claudin-16 OR pcln-1 OR claudin-19 OR mmgt1 OR mmgt2 OR alr1 OR alr2 OR mrs2 OR atmrs2 OR lpe10 ) filter any magnesium. enhanced from two tables of

18927203 The unique nature of mg2+ channels.
21640700 Cellular magnesium homeostasis. ---

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