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Zeile 6: Zeile 6:
*'''[[Reviews on covid19 disease]]'''
*'''[[Reviews on covid19 disease]]'''
{{tp|p=32122636|t=2020. (mayo)Guide to Understanding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32197324|t=2020. A Review on Applications of Computational Methods in Drug Screening and Design |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387389|t=2020. Study of combining virtual screening and antiviral treatments of the Sars-CoV-2 (Covid-19) |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387332|t=ä. Current development of COVID-19 diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics |pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=32387301|t=2020. The CoV-2 outbreak: how hematologists could help to fight Covid-19 |pdf=|usr=}}''idiotic title; reviews many immunopharmocological targets''
*'''[[Clinical guidelines and advice]]'''
*'''[[Clinical guidelines and advice]]'''
{{tp|p=32413768|t=2020. Covert COVID-19 complications: Continuing the use of evidence-based drugs to minimize potentially lethal indirect effects of the pandemic in stroke patients |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32416414|t=2020. Genetic predisposition models to COVID-19 infection |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32248491|t=2020. Aktuelle Empfehlungen für den Hausarzt: Neue DEGAM-Leitlinie |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7155395|t=ä. German recommendations for critically ill patients with COVID?19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32386886|t=ä. Helmet continuous positive airway pressure and prone positioning: A proposal for  an early management of COVID-19 patients |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Respiration mgmt]]'''
*'''[[Respiration mgmt]]'''
{{tp|p=C7200124|t=ä. Airway management for COVID-19: a move towards universal videolaryngoscope?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32444270|t=ä. Considerations for ventilator triage during the COVID-19 pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=30642777|t=2019. (+)ECMO in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=25209989|t=2014. (+)ECMO as an emergency medical countermeasure |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=31924443|t=2020. (+)Factores de riesgo de fracaso de ventilacion no invasiva en neumonia primaria por influenza A en pacientes criticos |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7198163|t=ä. Ventilacion mecanica no invasiva y oxigenoterapia de alto flujo ... |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7155153|t=2020. Außerklinische Beatmung: Lungenerkrankungen |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Diagnosis (Laboratory)]]'''
*'''[[Diagnosis (Laboratory)]]'''
{{tp|p=32006218|t=ä. Clinical role of viral identification by a polymerase chain reaction-based diagnostic panel in adults hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7194818|t=ä. Pooling of samples for testing for SARS-CoV-2 in asymptomatic people |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32466975|t=ä. Rapid immunoglobulin test confirms a suspected case of COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32248474|t=2020. Vergessen Sie die Schnellteste auf Coronavirus!|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32342388|t=2020. Anwendung von Antikörper-Schnelltests ist Körperverletzung:  Dr  Matthias Orth |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32372836|t=2020. The problems with so-called immunity tests |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32376476|t=ä. Limited effectiveness of systematic screening by nasopharyngeal RT-PCR of medicalized nursing home staff after a first case of COVID-19 in a resident |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Diagnosis (Lung CT, Sonography)]]'''
*'''[[Diagnosis (Lung CT, Sonography)]]'''
{{tp|p=C7190512|t=ä. El diagnostico COVID-19 a travs de la imagen |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32402387|t=ä. ...ct thorax...|pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Diagnosis (other modalities)]]'''
*'''[[Diagnosis (other modalities)]]'''
{{tp|p=32421627|t=2020. The impact of biosensing in a pandemic outbreak: COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32421627|t=2020. The impact of biosensing in a pandemic outbreak: COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7197557|t=ä. Selecting a SARS-CoV-2/COVID molecular testing method for your laboratory |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32417029|t=ä. Pre- and post-treatment chest CT changes in a patient with COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32386997|t=ä. Routine use of Point-of-Care lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7118364|t=ä. Covid-19: automatic detection from X-ray images utilizing transfer learning with  convolutional neural networks |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32313588|t=2020. Chest CT findings of early and progressive phase COVID-19 infection from a US patient |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32421539|t=2020. Coronavirus Disease 2019-related dyspnea cases difficult to interpret using chest computed tomography |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Structure of covid19]]'''
{{tp|p=32361530|t=2020. The puzzle of sharing bio-molecular targets between coronaviruses and mediators of the cardiovascular system in humans: Looking for plausible hypotheses |pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=32286536|t=ä. Coronaviruses hijack the complement system |pdf=|usr=}}''host complement activator MASP2 as a target of the N protein of all three viruses''
{{tp|p=32288962|t=2020. Evolutionary perspectives on novel coronaviruses identified in pneumonia cases in China |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7107875|t=ä. On the origin and continuing evolution of SARS-CoV-2 |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Structure of covid19]]'''
Zeile 81: Zeile 47:
{{ttp|p=32073157|t=2020. Antibodies to coronaviruses are higher in older compared with younger adults and  binding antibodies are more sensitive than neutralizing antibodies in identifying coronavirus?associated illnesses |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=30715745|t=2019. (+)Th17 serum cytokines in relation to laboratory?confirmed respiratory viral infection: A pilot study |pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=32408068|t=2020. What about the original antigenic sin of the humans versus SARS-CoV-2?|pdf=|usr=}}''the term «original antigenic sin» (OAS) was coined by T. Francis Jr at the Michigan University in the late 1950s to describe patterns of antibody response to influenza vaccination...''
{{ttp|p=32286536|t=ä. Coronaviruses hijack the complement system |pdf=|usr=}}''host complement activator MASP2 as a target of the N protein of all three viruses''
{{tp|p=32372779|t=2020. Do you become immune once you have been infected?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32372807|t=2020. The fever paradox |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32416412|t=2020. Free DNA, a reason for severe COVID-19 infection?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388390|t=2020. The powerful immune system against powerful COVID-19: A hypothesis |pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=32376901|t=ä. Pathological inflammation in patients with COVID-19: a key role for monocytes and macrophages |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7107806|t=ä. Elevated levels of plasma cytokines in COVID-19 reflect viral load and lung injury |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32455147|t=ä. C reactive protein level may predict the risk of COVID-19 aggravation |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32414693|t=2020. Interleukin-6 levels in children developing SARS-CoV-2 infection |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Cytokine storm, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, macrophage activation syndrome]]'''
*'''[[Cytokine storm, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, macrophage activation syndrome]]'''
Zeile 121: Zeile 72:
*'''[[Similar diseases and pathomechanisms]]'''
*'''[[Similar diseases and pathomechanisms]]'''
{{tp|p=C7149537|t=2008. (mech resp)Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32145185|t=2020. Middle East respiratory syndrome |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=17142081|t=2007. Molecular pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory syndrome |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=28675506|t=2017. Determination of the cell tropism of serotype 1 feline infectious peritonitis virus using the spike affinity histochemistry in paraffin?embedded tissues |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7204879|t=2020. Human Coronavirus-229E, -OC43, -NL63, and -HKU1 |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 156: Zeile 101:
{{tp|p=32448590|t=ä. Marked Up-Regulation of ACE2 in Hearts of Patients With Obstructive Hypertrophic  Cardiomyopathy: Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Mediated COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32446685|t=ä. Acute pericarditis due to COVID-19 infection: An underdiagnosed disease?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32456948|t=ä. Cardiovascular disease potentially contributes to the progression and poor prognosis of COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32423664|t=ä. A close-up on COVID-19 and cardiovascular diseases |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Neurology, ophthalmology, orl]]'''
*'''[[Neurology, ophthalmology, orl]]'''
{{tp|p=32289035|t=2020. Dysosmia and dysgeusia due to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus; a hypothesis that needs further investigation |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32364124|t=ä. Syndrome de Guillain-Barre fatal tras infeccion por el virus SARS-CoV-2 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7198200|t=ä. Syndrome de Guillain-Barre asociado a infeccion por Covid-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=32388138|t=2020. Hypothesized behavioral host manipulation by SARS-CoV2/COVID-19 infection |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380269|t=2020. The COVID-19 Pandemic: Consideration for Brain Infection |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 178: Zeile 112:
*'''[[Gastroenterology, hepatology]]'''
*'''[[Gastroenterology, hepatology]]'''
{{tp|p=32096611|t=2020. 2019 Novel coronavirus infection and gastrointestinal tract |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387057|t=ä. SARS-CoV-2 infection may result in appendicular syndrome: Chest CT scan before appendectomy |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32377565|t=ä. COVID-19 and gastrointestinal tract |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387082|t=2020. Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) associated with severe acute pancreatitis: Case report on three family members |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 195: Zeile 124:
*'''[[Risk and special populations]]'''
*'''[[Risk and special populations]]'''
{{tp|p=32388230|t=2020. Covid-19 infection in therapy-naive patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32389426|t=2020. A favorable outcome of pneumonia COVID 19 in an advanced lung cancer patient with severe neutropenia: ...|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32376099|t=2020. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 and Antihypertensives (Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors) in Coronavirus Disease 2019 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32475616|t=ä. copd w covid.... |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32360210|t=2020. Letter to the Editor: Fasting plasma glucose associated with mortality rate in T2DM patients with COVID-19 infection |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32332868|t=ä. Mechanisms by which angiotensin-receptor blockers increase ACE2 levels |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387757|t=2020. Is the oncologic patient more susceptible to covid19 but perhaps less likely to undergo severe infection-related complications due to fewer cytokines storm as a  consequent of the associated immunodeficiency?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32408147|t=2020. Anti-CD20 and COVID-19 in multiple sclerosis and related disorders: A case series of 60 patients from Madrid, Spain |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32408155|t=2020. Severe COVID-19 infection in a patient with multiple sclerosis treated with fingolimod |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388458|t=2020. Adamantanes might be protective from COVID-19 in patients with neurological diseases: multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism and cognitive impairment |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388451|t=2020. COVID-19 occurring during Natalizumab treatment: a case report in a patient with  extended interval dosing approach |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388461|t=2020. Rethinking high-risk groups in COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32456945|t=ä. Supresi�n de angiotensina II en la infecci�n por el virus SARS-CoV-2: una propuesta terap�utica |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32456944|t=ä. Alta prevalencia de COVID-19 asintom�tico en hemodi�lisis  Aprendiendo d�a a d�a  el primer mes de pandemia de COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32389518|t=ä. Situaci�n de la infecci�n por SARS-CoV-2 en pacientes en tratamiento renal sustitutivo  Informe del Registro COVID-19 de la Sociedad Espa�ola de Nefrolog�a  (SEN) |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32382684|t=2020. The mutual effects of COVID-19 and obesity |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32389584|t=ä. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and cardiovascular risk: A meta-analysis |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32377638|t=2020. Comorbid Chronic Diseases and Acute Organ Injuries Are Strongly Correlated with Disease Severity and Mortality among COVID-19 Patients: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32421537|t=2020. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Case reports]]'''
*'''[[Case reports]]'''
Zeile 223: Zeile 132:
*'''[[Case series]]'''
*'''[[Case series]]'''
{{tp|p=32123993|t=ä. Clinical features and short-term outcomes of 18 patients with corona virus disease 2019 in intensive care unit |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32092387|t=2020. Clinical features of atypical 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia with an initially  negative RT-PCR assay |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32451119|t=2020. The Early Natural History of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Clinical Observations From an  Urban, Ambulatory COVID-19 Clinic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32402531|t=ä. Detecci�n viral y respuesta serol�gica en pacientes cr�ticos intubados con SARS-CoV-2  Implicaciones para retirada de aislamiento |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32408962|t=ä. Evidencia viva frente al SARS-CoV-2 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387682|t=ä. Characteristics of asymptomatic patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection in Jinan, China |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32457924|t=ä. Analysis of mortality in patients of COVID-19: clinical and laboratory parameters |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32421546|t=2020. Correlation analysis of the severity and clinical prognosis of 32 cases of patients with COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 246: Zeile 146:
*'''[[Candidate Compounds Covid19]]'''
*'''[[Candidate Compounds Covid19]]'''
{{tp|p=C7202831|t=ä. Testing COVID-19 therapies to prevent progression of mild disease |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7202844|t=ä. Vaccine development during global epidemics: the Zika experience |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380023|t=ä. Immunomodulation in COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32444269|t=ä. Immunotherapies for COVID-19: lessons learned from sepsis |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32409074|t=2020. An overview of functional nanoparticles as novel emerging antiviral therapeutic agents |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7190528|t=ä. Treatment Considerations for COVID-19: A Critical Review of the Evidence (or Lack Thereof) |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32386744|t=ä. Uso de antipaludicos (antimalarials)...|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32408073|t=2020. Lithium for the 2019 novel coronavirus |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32416413|t=2020. Covid-19 management with inflammation resolving mediators? Perspectives and potential |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32408070|t=2020. Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine to win todays battle against COVID-19?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32373787|t=2020. A new paradigm for drug development |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32359447|t=2020. The resurgence of convalescent plasma therapy |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32325038|t=ä. (+)Safety and immunogenicity of a candidate Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus viral-vectored vaccine: a dose-escalation, open-label, non-randomised, uncontrolled, phase 1 trial |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32325036|t=ä. Two Middle East respiratory syndrome vaccines: first step for other coronavirus vaccines?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=29329956|t=2018. Herd immunity: hyperimmune globulins for the 21st century |pdf=|usr=}}''megapool for the top useful human mab''
{{tp|p=31351923|t=2019. (+)First clinical trial of a MERS coronavirus DNA vaccine |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=28664850|t=2017. (+)Novel translational approaches to the search for precision therapies for acute respiratory distress syndrome |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32373790|t=2020. Silencing the cytokine storm: the use of intravenous anakinra in haemophagocytic  lymphohistiocytosis or macrophage activation syndrome |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=29852530|t=2020. The expanding role of mass spectrometry in the field of vaccine development |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=31432544|t=2020. Repurposing approved drugs on the pathway to novel therapies |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=31692019|t=2020. (+)Gold nanoparticle?adjuvanted S protein induces a strong antigen?specific IgG response against severe acute respiratory syndrome?related coronavirus infection, but fails to induce protective antibodies and limit eosinophilic infiltration in  lungs |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=24773578|t=2014. Chloroquine interferes with dengue?2 virus replication in U937 cells |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32197324|t=2020. A Review on Applications of Computational Methods in Drug Screening and Design |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=20956884|t=2010. (+)Small Interfering RNA Effectively Inhibits the Expression of SARS Coronavirus Membrane Gene at Two Novel Targeting Sites |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32317764|t=ä. Developing therapeutic monoclonal antibodies at pandemic pace |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32286537|t=ä. Hydroxychloroquine: small effects in mild disease |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32408071|t=2020. Relation between BCG coverage rate and COVID-19 infection worldwide |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7136957|t=ä. Is Global BCG Vaccination Coverage Relevant To The Progression Of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388480|t=2020. Can beta-adrenergic blockers be used in the treatment of COVID-19?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388476|t=2020. Is copper beneficial for COVID-19 patients?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32402766|t=2020. Hydroxychloroquine as an aerosol might markedly reduce and even prevent severe clinical symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387756|t=2020. SARS ? CoV-2: Reasons of epidemiology of severe ill disease cases and therapeutic approach using trivalent vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria and Bordetella pertussis) |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32438240|t=2020. 5-Fluorouracil in combination with deoxyribonucleosides and deoxyribose as possible therapeutic options for the Coronavirus, COVID-19 infection |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387320|t=ä. Tocilizumab therapy reduced intensive care unit admissions and/or mortality in COVID-19 patients |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387333|t=ä. Could nasal nitric oxide help to mitigate the severity of COVID-19?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387334|t=ä. The Forrest Gump approach to preventing severe COVID-19 ? reverse the predisposing pro-inflammatory state with exercise |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32376359|t=2020. Design of a peptide-based subunit vaccine against novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380958|t=2020. Extracellular HMGB1: a therapeutic target in severe pulmonary inflammation including COVID-19?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32382315|t=2020. Can graphene take part in the fight against COVID-19?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32313660|t=2020. A short review on antibody therapy for COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32377399|t=2020. COVID-19 vaccines: breaking record times to first-in-human trials |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380200|t=2020. In silico design of antiviral peptides targeting the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380051|t=2020. The clinical benefits of Chinese patent medicines against COVID-19 based on current evidence |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380052|t=2020. Granulocyte-targeted therapies for airway diseases |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32389754|t=ä. (low dose radiat)RILI model and the Covid-19 pneumonia: The radiation oncologist point of view? |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387544|t=ä. Response to: Low dose radiation therapy for COVID-19 pneumonia a double-edged sword? |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32409150|t=ä. An evaluation of co-use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin on cardiac outcomes: A pharmacoepidemiological study to inform use during the COVID19 pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32482538|t=ä. Propuesta de uso de anakinra en el distr�s respiratorio agudo secundario a COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 315: Zeile 166:
*'''[[Running your hospital]]'''
*'''[[Running your hospital]]'''
{{tp|p=C7190296|t=2020. The experiences of health-care providers during the COVID-19 crisis in China: a qualitative study |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7201192|t=ä. Leadership, Management and Command in the time of the Coronavirus |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32416433|t=2020. Metronomic oral vinorelbine and lung cancer therapy during the COVID 19 pandemic: A single-center experience |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7202360|t=ä. Lung cancer management challenges amidst COVID-19 pandemic: hope lives here |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7200366|t=2020. Managing thromboembolic risk with menopausal hormone therapy and hormonal contraception....|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32414550|t=2020. ST-segment Elevation, Myocardial Injury, and Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Patients: Diagnostic and Treatment Uncertainties |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32376104|t=2020. Public Health Crises and the Human Subjects of Biomedical Research: A Focus on COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32343347|t=ä. A Simple Technique for Droplet Control During Mastoid Surgery |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32043976|t=2020. A contingency plan for the management of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in neonatal intensive care units |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32278357|t=2020. Lack of protective gear disrupts oncology care |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32035509|t=2020. Coronavirus epidemic: preparing for extracorporeal organ support in intensive care |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32221904|t=2020. Fortbildung in Zeiten von COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32189286|t=2020. COVID-19 in der Allgemeinarztpraxis |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32361263|t=2020. The importance of being a neurologist (during a dramatic pandemic) |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32372035|t=ä. Avoiding collateral mortality in a pandemic ? time to change our mindset in surgical oncology |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32249843|t=ä. Managing cancer during a pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32327718|t=ä. Advancing scientific knowledge in times of pandemics |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32238923|t=ä. eHealth in kidney care |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32203310|t=ä. Urology in the time of corona |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32301978|t=ä. The aftermath of coronavirus disease of 2019: devastation or a new dawn for nephrology?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32304010|t=ä. Bariatric Surgery in the Times of Corona |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7198178|t=ä. Ecografia...|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32475608|t=ä. Novel coronavirus (2019-nCov): do you have enough intensive care units?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32292234|t=2020. How to protect the protectors: 10 lessons to learn for doctors fighting the COVID-19 coronavirus |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32405055|t=ä. Preparing for a responsible lockdown exit strategy |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32377015|t=ä. The multifaceted long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on urology |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32292589|t=2020. Preventive strategies used by GI physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7115349|t=ä. Triagestrategie für COVID-19-Verdachtsfälle bei steigender Patientenzahl |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7155392|t=ä. Recommendations for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic  from IFSO |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32389859|t=2020. Brief recommendations on the management of adult patients with familial hypercholesterolemia during the COVID-19 pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7153354|t=ä. COVID-19 pandemic planning: considerations for radiation oncology medical physics |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32450452|t=2020. Access barriers to electroconvulsive therapy during COVID-19 pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32413707|t=2020. COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on psychiatric care in the United States |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32378180|t=ä. Risks Posed to Corneal Transplant Recipients by COVID-19-Affected Donors |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32377502|t=ä. Ophthalmology Practice During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: The University of Pittsburgh Experience in Promoting Clinic Safety and Embracing Video Visits |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387481|t=ä. Neuro-ophthalmology in the Era of COVID-19: Future Implications of a Public Health Crisis |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387482|t=ä. Living with COVID-19: A Perspective from New York Area Ophthalmology Residency Program Directors at the Epicenter of the Pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32376056|t=ä. Coping with COVID-19: An Italian Perspective on Corneal Surgery and Eye Banking in the Time of a Pandemic and Beyond |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32402655|t=ä. Management of tracheostomy during COVID-19 outbreak: Heat and moisture exchanger  filter and closed suctioning system |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32423662|t=ä. Utilization of COVID-19 testing for opportunistic screening of oral cancer |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32423663|t=ä. Impact of COVID-19 on the early detection of oral cancer: A special emphasis on high risk populations |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387029|t=ä. The Kerala Model of health care delivery and its impact on Oral cancer care during the COVID 19 pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32389538|t=ä. Surgical tracheostomies in COVID-19 patients: A multidisciplinary approach and lessons learned |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380453|t=2020. What dentists need to know about COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32381278|t=ä. Practical Bioethics during the Exceptional Circumstances of a Pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387795|t=2020. COVID19 pandemic and people with opioid use disorder: innovation to reduce risk |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387180|t=ä. Covid-19: An Urgent Need For A Psychoneuroendocrine Perspective |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32439183|t=ä. Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in the Age of COVID-19: Reaffirming Ourselves and Our Worth |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32389753|t=2020. What is our threshold: Departmental planning for radiation oncology?s future in the time of COVID-19? |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32389757|t=ä. Response letter: Handling of COVID-19 positive lung cancer patients during the pandemic? |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387545|t=2020. Radiotherapy and COVID-19: Practical recommendations from iran??? |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32389420|t=ä. Radiotherapy & Oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic? |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32441268|t=ä. La rehabilitaci�n en los tiempos del COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32451301|t=ä. A picture of the covid-19 impact on IVIRMA fertility treatment clinics in Spain and Italy |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32421541|t=2020. Practical strategies for a safe and effective delivery of aerosolized medications to patients with COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380028|t=2020. Drone delivery of AED s and personal protective equipment in the era of SARS-CoV-2 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32474396|t=2020. Bronchoscopy use in the COVID-19 era |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 382: Zeile 175:
*'''[[Socio-psychiatric aspects of the status hygienicus]]'''
*'''[[Socio-psychiatric aspects of the status hygienicus]]'''
{{tp|p=C7155159|t=2020. Covid-19-Pandemie: Das macht sie mit der Psyche |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388452|t=2020. Neuropsychiatric and cognitive effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on multiple sclerosis patients |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32382898|t=ä. COVID-19 und die Geschichte der sozialwissenschaftlichen Katastrophenforschung |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7202826|t=ä. Mental health of family, friends, and co-workers of COVID-19 patients in Japan |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32413711|t=2020. Psychological underpinning of panic buying during pandemic (COVID-19) |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32413712|t=2020. Contamination and infection: What the coronavirus pandemic could reveal about the evolutionary origins of obsessive-compulsive disorder |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387794|t=2020. Danger in danger: Interpersonal violence during COVID-19 quarantine |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387792|t=2020. Psychological crisis intervention response to the COVID 19 pandemic: A Tunisian centralised Protocol |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387790|t=2020. Does COVID-19 pandemic affect sexual behaviour? A cross-sectional, cross-national online survey |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388418|t=2020. How an Epidemic Outbreak Impacts Happiness: Factors that Worsen (vs  Protect) Emotional Well-being during the Coronavirus Pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 414: Zeile 197:
*'''[[Economic aspects of the status hygienicus]]'''
*'''[[Economic aspects of the status hygienicus]]'''
{{tp|p=32287365|t=2020. The Coming Coronavirus Crisis: What Can We Learn?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32377508|t=ä. Review on government action plans to reduce energy consumption in buildings amid  COVID-19 pandemic outbreak |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32278363|t=2020. Softening the blow of the pandemic: will the International Monetary Fund and World Bank make things worse?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32119831|t=2020. Coronavirus outbreak: the role of companies in preparedness and responses |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7197518|t=ä. COVID-19 lockdowns throughout the world |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 427: Zeile 204:
*'''[[Host, vector, one health, atmospheric aspects]]'''
*'''[[Host, vector, one health, atmospheric aspects]]'''
{{tp|p=32377932|t=ä. Animal-to-Human Viral Transitions: Is SARS-CoV-2 an Evolutionary Successful One?|pdf=|usr=}}
*[https://archive.vn/gGbF2 goto mink farm 06/07/20] btu @SrsTwist
{{tp|p=31561274|t=2020. Demographic and environmental drivers of metagenomic viral diversity in vampire bats |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7102578|t=ä. The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak from a one health perspective |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7203025|t=ä. Indoor Air Quality and Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Origin of Covid19]]'''
*'''[[Origin of Covid19]]'''
Zeile 441: Zeile 211:
{{tp|p=C7195296|t=ä. Limiting the spread of COVID-19 in Africa: one size mitigation strategies do not  fit all countries |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7202836|t=ä. COVID-19 in Cameroon: a crucial equation to resolve |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7202849|t=ä. COVID-19 on the African continent |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7196395|t=ä. Contact Tracing to Manage COVID19 Spread ? Balancing Personal Privacy and Public  Health |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32386664|t=2020. COVID-19: The forgotten priorities of the pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=27402382|t=2016. (+)Super-spreading events of MERS-CoV infection |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32277875|t=2020. Pandemic school closures: risks and opportunities |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32296776|t=2020. Crowdsourcing data to mitigate epidemics |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32339471|t=2020. When pandemics collide |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32171058|t=2020. The value of early transmission dynamic studies in emerging infectious diseases |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=27998579|t=2016. (+)Infectious disease emergencies: taking the long-term view |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=16631539|t=2006. (+)Deadly ?paleoviruses?: a bioweapon Pandora s box?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=21272793|t=2011. (+)Urba" width="940" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"> tion and infectious diseases in a globalised world |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32287801|t=2020. Calculating virus spread |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32287800|t=2020. China uses mass surveillance tech to fight spread of coronavirus |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32372819|t=2020. The problems with contact-tracing apps |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7197539|t=ä. Social Distancing in the Covid-19 Pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32382248|t=2020. Substantial direct medical costs for symptomatic COVID-19 cases in the US |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32382246|t=2020. Costs vs benefits of tackling COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32387796|t=2020. Implementation of quarantine in China during the outbreak of COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32416476|t=2020. The disguised pandemic: the importance of data normalization in COVID-19 web mapping |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32480325|t=2020. We must not forget the most disadvantaged people facing the COVID-19 crisis |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32422441|t=2020. Disinfection tunnels: potentially counterproductive in the context of a prolonged pandemic of COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7186211|t=ä. Examining the Effect of Social Distancing on the Compound Growth Rate of SARS-CoV-2 at the County Level (United States) Using Statistical Analyses and a Random Forest Machine Learning Model |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380343|t=2020. Potential threats of COVID-19 on quarantined families |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388010|t=2020. Is home isolation appropriate for preventing the spread of COVID-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32466994|t=ä. Potential risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection on reproductive health |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7152118|t=2010. in book: responding to terrorism. Biological Agents |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Remission, recurrence and persistence]]'''
*'''[[Remission, recurrence and persistence]]'''
Zeile 478: Zeile 219:
*'''[[Failure of politics and public health guidance]]'''
*'''[[Failure of politics and public health guidance]]'''
{{tp|p=32416370|t=2020. Has COVID-19 played an unexpected ?stroke? on the chain of survival?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32354343|t=2020. Evaluating the consequences of health policy decisions |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32380041|t=2020. COVID-19 immunity passports and vaccination certificates: scientific, equitable,  and legal challenges |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32087773|t=ä. Pandemic: examining readiness for infectious disease outbreaks |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=31969714|t=2020. Rapid outbreak response requires trust |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32238298|t=2020. Exploring the Association Between Organizational Culture and Large-Scale Adverse  Events: Evidence from the Veterans Health Administration |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Political abuse of Covid19]]'''
*'''[[Political abuse of Covid19]]'''
{{tp|p=32301040|t=ä. Medical conspiracy theories: cognitive science and implications for ethics |pdf=|usr=}}
*[https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/second-major-covid-study-retracted/ dirtpigs hacked nejm peer review]
{{tp|p=32377576|t=2020. Chatbots in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32388417|t=2020. Role of electronic media in mitigating the psychological impacts of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 506: Zeile 237:
*'''[[History of covid19 exploration]]'''
*'''[[History of covid19 exploration]]'''
{{tp|p=32033382|t=2020. Does Wuhan Need to be in Lockdown during the Chinese Lunar New Year?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=32285349|t=ä. Reflections on life in the time of the Coronavirus pandemic, from the viewpoint of two people who have experienced dialysis and kidney transplantation |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7130075|t=ä. Dr  Hong Yu leads a team battling against the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32334691|t=2020. Offline: Why President Trump is wrong about WHO |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=27745880|t=2016. WHO s Director-General candidates: visions and priorities |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32078809|t=2020. Outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=32006509|t=2020. Mysterious pneumonia in China |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32325013|t=2020. Can a virus undermine human rights?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32061319|t=2020. Authoritarianism, outbreaks, and information politics |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32027848|t=2020. Coronavirus in China |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32342390|t=2020. COVID-19: Keine Entwarnung im Sommer?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32071422|t=ä. We shouldn?t worry when a virus mutates during disease outbreaks |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32287788|t=2020. Inside Wuhan s lockdown |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7110433|t=ä. Coronaviren: von der banalen Erkältung zum schweren Lungenversagen: Chronologie einer Pandemie |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7107834|t=ä. Moral imperative for the immediate release of 2019-nCoV sequence data |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32292590|t=2020. All about COVID-19 in brief |pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=32382897|t=ä. Die Corona-Pandemie 2020 ? Über eine allumfassende Prävention hinaus |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7130038|t=2020. A novel coronavirus emerges |pdf=|usr=}}
Zeile 529: Zeile 242:
{{tp|p=32353307|t=2020. A new vehicle to accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7173590|t=2015. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7170204|t=2009. FERRETS |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7152207|t=2009. MICE AND RATS |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=16183520|t=2005. Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32078810|t=2020. Challenges of coronavirus disease 2019 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=21557290|t=2011. Advances in mass spectrometry for the identification of pathogens |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32371599|t=2020. Glycerol Monolaurate, an Analogue to a Factor Secreted by Lactobacillus, Is Virucidal against Enveloped Viruses, Including HIV-1 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32298918|t=2020. Correlation between atmospheric particulate matter and antibiotic resistance: A hypothesis |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=30838671|t=2019. The impact of rapid molecular diagnostic testing for respiratory viruses on outcomes for emergency department patients |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=30584800|t=2019. Norovirus antivirals: Where are we now?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=29350407|t=2018. Recent progress in the antiviral activity and mechanism study of pentacyclic triterpenoids and their derivatives |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=30677166|t=2019. Cytosolic DNA?sensing immune response and viral infection |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=24597553|t=2014. Social Media and Internet?Based Data in Global Systems for Public Health Surveillance: A Systematic Review |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32218301|t=2020. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel (thio)semicarbazone-Based Benzimidazoles as Antiviral Agents against Human Respiratory Viruses |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32178362|t=2020. Spontaneous Hinge-Bending Motions of Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme: Role in Activation and Inhibition |pdf=|usr=}}
{{ttp|p=32341570|t=2020. The new scope of virus taxonomy: partitioning the virosphere into 15 hierarchical ranks |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32362776|t=2020. Covid-19 |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32029087|t=2020. Reexamining the Ethics of Human Germline Editing in the Wake of Scandal |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7149504|t=2005. 25pp on topic rev Innate Humoral Defense Factors |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7152411|t=2008. Neurological Complications in Critically Ill Patients |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7149371|t=2005. Defensins and Other Antimicrobial Peptides and Proteins |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7126740|t=2005. Flaviviruses |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32382499|t=2020. Better prepare for the next one  Lifestyle lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7152463|t=2008. Pneumonia |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7151846|t=1980. Application of immunofluorescence technique to clinical virology |pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=C7156010|t=2005. Diagnostik und Management der wichtigsten Reiseund Tropenkrankheiten |pdf=|usr=}}
*'''[[Research tools]]''
*'''[[Research tools]]''

Version vom 7. Juni 2020, 18:27 Uhr

32421627 2020. The impact of biosensing in a pandemic outbreak: COVID-19

32451080 ä. A possible strategy to fight COVID-19: Interfering with spike glycoprotein trimerization
32047128 2020. Distinct Roles for Sialoside and Protein Receptors in Coronavirus Infection

32446559 2020. Stability of RNA sequences derived from the coronavirus genome in human cells
17194611 2007. (+)Lipid rafts play an important role in the early stage of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus life cycle
32242128 ä. Mechano-genomic regulation of coronaviruses and its interplay with ageing

32423585 2020. Is the HScore useful in COVID-19? index of hyperinflammation
C7108005 ä. Pathogenic T cells and inflammatory monocytes incite inflammatory storm in severe COVID-19 patients

32242089 ä. Endocrine and metabolic link to coronavirus infection
32382135 ä. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the neuroendocrine stress axis
C7158196 2009. 64pp on topic review (+) Molecular Basis of Pulmonary Disease
C7197563 ä. Plasma Metabolomic and Lipidomic Alterations Associated with COVID-19

31583825 2019. Improving immunological insights into the ferret model of human viral infectious disease
15892035 2005. An animal model of SARS produced by infection of Macaca mulatta with SARS coronavirus
16501078 2006. Modeling the Early Events of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection In Vitro

C7195315 2020. Co-infections: potentially lethal and unexplored in COVID-19
32423586 2020. SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus co-infection

C7190290 ä. (On embolism)Progressive respiratory failure in COVID-19: a hypothesis
C7177114 2020. Hypoxia in COVID-19: Sign of Severity or Cause for Poor Outcomes
32376101 2020. Association Between Hypoxemia and Mortality in Patients With COVID-19
32474397 2020. Venous thromboembolism and COVID-19

32284281 2020. Hemoglobin value may be decreased in patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019

32402385 ä. Manifestaciones cutaneas ... un caso

32204907 2020. The Novel Coronavirus 2019 epidemic and kidneys

32342401 2020. Corona: Starke Vorliebe für die Niere?

32372811 2020. Concern coronavirus may trigger post-viral fatigue syndromes
32402534 ä. Sindrome post-cuidados intensivos despuis de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2

32232784 ä. A woman with fever and cough: coronavirus disease 2019
32061312 2020. First imported case of 2019 novel coronavirus in Canada, presenting as mild pneumonia
C7128843 ä. A Sever case of of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Gansu

32377641 2020. Initial data from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance provider registries
32377642 2020. Initial data from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance provider registries ? Authors reply
32353329 2020. An international registry for emergent pathogens and pregnancy

32292626 ä. Core Outcome Set for Clinical Trials on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COS-COVID)

32376320 ä. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 detection in the female lower genital tract
32388248 2020. COVID-19: The environmental implications of shedding SARS-CoV-2 in human faeces
32482249 2020. No evidence of severe acute respiratory syndrome?coronavirus 2 in semen of males recovering from coronavirus disease 2019

32294341 ä. Visualizing Speech-Generated Oral Fluid Droplets with Laser Light Scattering

32372813 2020. Is wearing a face mask a good idea?

32387715 ä. Addressing Faculty Emotional Responses during the Coronavirus 2019 Pandemic
32388173 2020. The psychological well-being of physicians during COVID-19 outbreak in Oman
32439184 ä. COVID-19?Associated Psychiatric Symptoms in Health Care Workers: Viewpoint From Internal Medicine and Psychiatry Residents

32454398 2020. STEMI during the COVID-19 Pandemic - An Evaluation of Incidence
32389608 ä. Heart Failure in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Where has all New York s congestion gone?
32417567 2020. Non-COVID-19 visits to emergency departments during the pandemic: the impact of fear

32387671 2020. Role of the chronic air pollution levels in the Covid-19 outbreak risk in Italy?

C7188145 ä. Reporting, Recording and Communication of COVID-19 Cases in Workplace: Data Protection as a Moving Target
C7197552 ä. Health and safety considerations for hotel cleaners during Covid-19

C7175784 ä. Pros and cons of the application of evolutionary theories to the evolution of SARS-CoV-2
32372785 2020. The hunt to find the coronavirus pandemic s patient zero

32389787 ä. Reactivation of COVID-19 pneumonia: A report of two cases

32169251 2020. Ophthalmologists Are More Than Eye Doctors?In Memoriam Li Wenliang
C7137172 2020. Li Wenliang
32308229 2020. On February 20, Physicians Lost One of Our Greatest Heroes

27490990 2017. AVCpred: an integrated web server for prediction and design of antiviral compounds
25040500 2014. Engineering large viral DNA genomes using the CRISPR?Cas9 system

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